El circ m’ha portat a rodar món
Gràcies a la bicicleta que m’ha donat tants viatges i l’oportunitat de viure del circ.
Per què tenir una web ha estat important per mi?
Un moment clau en la meva trajectòria professional ha estat la creació d’aquesta pàgina web. Després d’haver provat diverses plataformes per fer-me una web de manera autònoma, vaig arribar a […]
The Y – feel like flying, in Argentina
In May 2022, L’Y – longing to fly, Yldor’s latest creation, was released. A few months later, L’Y had the opportunity to go to Argentina as part of the International […]
Summer tour 2023
A spectacular summer is ending. There has been a well-rounded tour with more than 30 performances between The Y – feel like flying and Sobre Rodes in 5 different countries. […]
La Plage des Six Pompes
It was this summer finally, after 2 years of waiting, the La Plage des Six Pompes festival in Chaux de Fonds (Switzerland), hosted the show Sobre Rodes. The experience was […]
Vici de Primavera
Vici de Primavera (Spring Vice) has been a connecting tool with myself, as it has been very difficult lately to go into the only subject present in the news and […]
Ceremònia d'inaguració del mundial de piragüisme
It was in La Seu d’Urgell, on September 22, 2019. About 2,000 padlers from around the world and almost all of the town in the Sports Palace. An honor to […]
Photo and video session with Clara Pedrol
Maybe it was not the best day, but we took it to the fullest, and despite my faces and my tongue, Clara did an exceptional job. From now on, her […]
Winter Black Swing Festival in Alcoi
Magnificent experience in Alcoy, Valencia, where I participated in the Winter Balck Swing Festival, organized by a team of fantastic people, with the highest level teachers and music groups such […]